07/30/2012 // Riverdale, NJ, USA // Camfil Farr USA // Lynne Laake // (press release)
Camfil Farr, the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions, is pleased to announce that three of its top air filter experts will be participating at a prestigious workshop and training program at the Harvard School of Public Health. The program, known as the “In-Place Filter Testing Workshop,” will take place in Boston from August 13th through 17th and focus on technologies and techniques vital for air purity in key industrial settings — in particular, the nuclear energy field. The Camfil Farr experts will make presentations on scanning technology that helps determine the integrity of air filters and complete air filtration systems once installed and operational, and on the construction and testing of nuclear qualified air filters.
The Harvard workshop — one of the most highly regarded within the air filter industry — is expected to draw professionals who focus on anti-terrorism, biotechnology, clean room, hospital, military, and nuclear applications — all fields where optimal air quality is of paramount importance. The multi-day event will provide a forum for them to learn the latest in air-cleaning theory, air filter testing techniques, and the regulatory requirements for in-place testing of HEPA filtration and gas adsorption systems. Air filtration in the nuclear environment will be a particular focus of the workshop, as no aspect of nuclear technology is independent of the need to maintain air purity, and regularly requirements are complex. Proper understanding of the rules, technologies, and in-place testing and certification of air filtration systems are essential for optimal air cleaning.
Representing Camfil Farr — which has a long history of designing sustainable, energy-efficient air filters for clean room, hospital, nuclear, and other mission-critical uses — are Arthur Soma, product manager for containment systems at Camfil Farr; and Andrew Stillo, Jr., and Keith Woolard, both research and development managers at the company.
Stillo — with more than 20 years experience at Camfil Farr and an active member in many filtration industry groups, including the ASME Committee on Nuclear Air & Gas Treatment — will be presenting on “Construction and Qualification of ASME AG-1 Section FC HEPA Filters and Media” on Monday, August 13. ASME AG-1 Section FC specifies the design, manufacture, and certification of nuclear grade HEPA filters and media, to ensure the protection of nuclear personnel, as well as the public and the environment, from radioactive materials. This presentation will cover filter materials and designs, and review qualification and testing requirements.
On Tuesday, August 14, Soma — another industry veteran and Secretary of the International Society of Nuclear Air Treatment Technologies — will join fellow Camfil Farr containment product expert Woolard in presenting on “In-Place Filter Scanning: Manual and Automated Techniques.” This is the first time that scanning technology will be addressed at the yearly Harvard workshop. While manual scanning has been an in-place test method for many years, it has some risks, which will be discussed during the session. Automated scanning, which will also be covered, is a recent innovation designed to greatly reduce these risks while enhancing the accuracy of testing results.
“Harvard’s annual program is probably one of the most prestigious workshops around and I consider it an honor that Camfil Farr is the only air filter manufacturer to be invited to participate,” says Soma.
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to test and certify systems containing HEPA filtration and gas adsorption systems for nuclear and non-nuclear applications, verify airflow in ventilation and air-cleaning systems, operate the necessary testing equipment, and understand the host of regulations pertaining to air-cleaning issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Department of Energy.
“There is a lot of complexity involved in constructing and verifying nuclear grade air filters and the goal of the workshop is to help attendees understand the tools, the techniques, and the regulations” says Stillo. “All air filters are not created equal, and when users make their purchases based on suppliers’ recommendations, they may not actually be buying nuclear qualified designs. Simply using approved components doesn’t mean that the filters themselves are certified for nuclear use. The Harvard sessions are all about educating users, giving them the knowledge they need to ensure optimal air quality — and optimal safety.”
The August workshops will take place at the Harvard School of Public Health’s FXB Building, at 651 Huntington Avenue in Boston. Up-to-date program information can be found at https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/IPFTW.
The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil Farr Air Filters provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, and educational institutions, as well as the pharmaceutical, biotech, and nuclear industries. For more information, visit us online at http://airfilters.camfilfarr.us, or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.
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Phone: 888.599.6620
Url: Camfil Farr USA Air Filters