Concord, ON , 04/10/2023 / Camfil Canada Air Filters /
IAQ stands for indoor air quality. It refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of poor health caused by poor indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to sick building syndrome, reduced productivity, and impaired learning in schools.
Resource: Camfil Canada Molecular Filtration
Molecular – Carbon Filters – Odour/Gas Removal
Customers trust Camfil with their particle filtration, but we can do so much more. Unfortunately, even the most efficient particle filters will not remove gasses and vapors because gaseous molecules are far too small. At last count, there were in excess of 156 million registered chemicals in the world, with new chemicals being added at a rate of 15,000 per day.
Airborne molecules can be problematic. At the lowest level, they cause odor nuisance. In process industries, they impact yield and corrode electronic equipment. Most significantly, they are responsible for a range of negative health effects from respiratory illness, diminished bone density and low mood, to organ failure and even death.
Activated carbon / Molecular filtration solutions from Camfil eliminate these problems. We start by defining customer needs. Our five product groups address very light to very heavy-duty applications. We use an application matrix to link the most appropriate product solution to customer needs.
Camfil products provide optimum IAQ for human assets, and facilities such as schools, offices, and public buildings. Camfil products also address specific problems in facilities such as medical buildings, airports, museums, and light process industries.
Camfil products address severe problems in heavy process industries, protecting people and the environment from exposure to toxic chemicals. Containment filters provide essential, very high-level security, in nuclear power plants and provide collective protection from threats involving chemical, biological, or nuclear incidents.
There’s more to a successful molecular filtration solution than just selecting the right product. Visit
Molecular – Carbon Filters – Odour/Gas Removal
Media Contact:
Phillip Ilijevski
Camfil Canada Inc.
T: 437-929-1161
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Source: Camfil – Canada