Riverdale, NJ, 09/13/2016 /SubmitPressRelease123/
The quality of the indoor air we breathe is a concern for everyone, especially those in urban environments where contaminant and particle levels are higher due to nearly constant exposure to things like automobile and truck exhausts, construction, and fumigation.
Unfortunately for most people, when it comes to the quality of the air in the buildings where they spend most of their time, they are at the mercy of the ventilation systems in those buildings and have no say as to how those systems operate, or whether or not they can be improved. In other cases, building managers may want to do something to improve indoor air quality, but financial and architectural constraints make it difficult, or even impossible, to improve or renovate the existing HVAC systems.
Clean Air is Possible Anywhere
The City M Air purifier from Camfil is designed specifically to alleviate these problems. The City M is a standalone air filtration device with a small footprint of only 13 x 13 inches, and about 30 inches tall. This small, but highly efficient, air purifier can actually bring the air quality in a 10-foot by 10-foot room up to levels that would meet the standards of a pharmaceutical manufacturing cleanroom. There are 6 different speed settings, ranging from 22 to 256 cubic feet per minute, which will allow you to run the system at a low speed to maintain air quality, or set a higher speed to quickly clean sudden odors or contamination.
With it’s small size and high efficiency, the City M air purifier can be used just about anywhere. It is a perfect solution to supplement the ventilation system in any area, permanently or temporarily.
- Home – Rest easy knowing you and your family are breathing air free of contaminants and pollution. Eliminate the breathing difficulties associated with Asthma or other respiratory problems.
- Schools – Purify the air in a kitchen, eating areas, or individual classrooms such as science labs.
- Medical/Hospitals – Clean the air in waiting rooms or individual patient rooms reducing the chances of transfer of airborne illnesses.
- Hotels – Remove odors from recently used rooms or purify air for guests with special needs.
- Office – Maintain a clean and healthy environment for better health and higher productivity.
Industrial Strength in a Small Space
The City M is capable of removing 99.95% of particles from the air, all the way down to .3 microns in size. To help you visualize the size of these particles, .3 microns is about 1/300 of the diameter of a single human hair. These are particles that are small enough enter the lungs and even enter the bloodstream when they are inhaled. In addition to removing nearly all particulate matter from the air, the City M’s filtration system will also remove harmful gases such as ozone, organic gases, VOCs, and even fumes from vehicle exhaust.
This amazingly high level of filtration is accomplished by using two absolute true HEPA filters placed on either side of approximately seven pounds of activated carbon. The HEPA filters are actually the exact same filters that Camfil produces for critical applications and industrial processing. Each filter is individually certified to remove at least 99.95% of particles in the air .3 microns and larger. While the Absolute HEPA filters take care of the particles in the air, the activated carbon handles the removal of harmful gases and odors.
The City M provides true industrial level air filtration in any location. No matter where you use it, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that the air you are breathing is absolutely free of harmful particles or gases that could damage your health or that of your friends, family or coworkers.
Cleaner Air Doesn’t Mean High Costs
Not just efficient when it comes to cleaning the air, the City M air purifier is designed to be cost efficient when it comes to filter life and energy consumption, too. Camfil filters use, on average, 40 to 50% more filter media, producing filters that last 1 ½ to 2 times longer than competitive products while the City M itself uses 50% less energy than competitors’ products. It uses only 5 watts of power on its lowest setting and 55 watts on the highest. That’s less than your average light bulb!
Better Indoor Air Quality is Possible for Everyone
Whether it is in your home or your place of work, it is possible for you to take control and improve the environment where you spend most of your time. By improving the quality of the air you breathe, you reduce the risk of allergies, respiratory problems, and even serious conditions like heart and lung disease. You can literally be breathing cleaner, healthier air in a matter of minutes.
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