04/19/2012 // Mission Viejo, CA, US // McClain Concepts // McClain Concepts // (Blog)
With gas prices going down, many people have wondered why the price of gas seems to arbitrarily fluctuate. EasyAgreements.com analyzes the process used in determining those gas prices, and whether or not it is just a simple supply issue, as so many tend to believe. Instead, the online legal forms vendor takes the process from start to finish, and finds where exactly the form would fit into this often archaic process.
Read the full story on:Online Forms Website Takes On High Gas Prices
Gasoline prices dropped around much of the nation for the second straight week, an Energy Department survey showed.
But don’t get too excited.
History suggests that prices will rise at least a few more times in the next few weeks, analysts said. Fuel prices have peaked before mid-May just once in the last 20 years, according to Energy Department statistics, and it hasn’t happened since 1998.
Gas prices fall for second week in a row
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