01/04/2012 // Newport News, VA, USA // BellicoseMien // Bellicose Mien LLC
Tomeca Marsden’s voice has filled churches for more than two decades. Her radiant spirit continues to capture hearts all over the world. It’s no wonder she has been called, “The Belle of Gospel.” Tomeca’s poise, beauty, and dedication to Christ have been the driving forces behind the rapid excel of her career. Her debut single, “Crazy To Believe” is her testimony that faith in Christ will carry you through even in the darkest situations.
Tomeca sang in her father’s choir when she was younger. He became one of her biggest inspirations. “He always wanted to make sure you were singing from your heart,” said Tomeca. While singing from her heart, she has been able to touch the hearts of others along the way. The hearts of children are most dear to her. “I love working with children. That is what I originally went to school for.” Tomeca is now the Children’s Minister at Greater Faith Temple Apostolic Ministries. She knows that the message starts with the children.
Her goal is to reach the young and the old. Tomeca continues to expand the reach of her message through radio airwaves. On 99.5JAMZ WYTT, Tomeca’s Christmas single, “Do U Hear What I Hear” was the #1 played song the last two weeks leading up to Christmas. Her song received more plays than Destiny’s Child, Mariah Carey and Stevie Wonder. Tomeca was recently asked where she sees herself in a few years. “Where don’t I see myself? I want to be everywhere God opens a door for me to be at. I want to be wherever God will allow me to be, so I can be in the right place at the right time to deliver the right message.”
About Tomeca Marsden
A native of Virginia, a Children’s Minister and Entertainer. Tomeca Marsden delivers her message in churches and any other venue that allows her to lift her voice and sing. She has performed for the Newport News Martin Luther King Celebration, Gospel Music Workshop of America and the Virginia Gospel Announcers Guild. Tomeca’s debut single, “Crazy To Believe” is available at Amazon, iTunes and anywhere music is sold. Visit www.tomecamarsdenmusic.com for more information.
Media Contacts:
Bellicose Mien LLC
Joshua A. Kennedy
Social Media Tags:Gospel, Mariah Carey, Destiny Child, Christian, Music, God, Jesus
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