Bollywood News: Although Ram Gopal Varma will not admit the fact that his recently-announced film “Agyaat” is actually inspired by the brilliant and special effects the director saw on Jennifer Lynch Hissss’s sets. But this secret was let out by the actor Irrfan Khan. Irrfan cannot wait any longer to be greedily consumed by Mallika Sherawat. Irrfan reported that Mallika is basically playing the role of a man-eating being and that she swallows numerous men in the picture. Also, Irrfan is looking forward to be swallowed by this man-eating creature and commented that he is watching Mallika’s devouring of men process is really sensuous. However, unfortunately he does not get eaten by this woman and Irrfan is playing the role of an investigating officer who is trying hard to get details of people devouring the human beings.
Irrfan further chuckles that he is still working in the ‘Hissss’ along with two entirely different yet entertaining types of women, Jennifer Lynch and Mallika Sherawat. Hissss would not have achieved success as any other snake woman’s story but the manner in which Jennifer Lynch has treated the entire story, makes it all the more exciting and great. Irrfan also comments that the special effects infused in the film will definitely shock the audience.
The actor was in Philadelphia and then in the beautiful Cape Town to shoot for Acid Factory by Sanjay Gupta. Irrfan declares that he love the United States and also loved shooting with Kabir Khan. Also, he felt that Kabir is a very cool guy and that his unit was totally relaxed. This relaxation made Irrfan recall the experience he feels while working with Mira Nair. The actor is looking forward to his next film release Dil Kabaddi as well as it provides him an entirely changed image. In this film, Irrfan plays the role of a man who is really transparent about the sexual desires he feels.